Ad Hoc Hoteles


Ad Hoc Hoteles


We will address the person’s health as a whole in their physical, mental, emotional and spiritual scopes. An imbalance in any of these areas affects the other areas, because the person is a whole. Our goal is to help our customers identify the underlying cause or causes of these imbalances and empower them with specific tools that allow them to regain control of their health, preventing, stopping and/or reversing the physical signs, in the form of pathologies, of any of these imbalances. All this taking into account previous diagnoses and/or ongoing treatments. The optimal end result is homeostasis and healing of the body, mind and spirit.

Juan Zaragoza (Health Coach) will analyse the integral state of health and the possible physical, mental-emotional imbalances that underlie chronic pathologies, proposing changes in habits that restore or improve homeostasis.

Ad Hoc Hoteles


Under the direction of Mr. Juan Zaragoza (Health Coach) we will carry out an Introduction to Fasting weekend programme (from Friday to Sunday) and a full week programme, including talks on the benefits of fasting and its effects on the organism, nutrition, hiking, etc.

Ad Hoc Hoteles


Under the direction of Mr. Juan Zaragoza (Health Coach) we will carry out an Introduction to Fasting weekend programme (from Friday to Sunday) and a full week programme, including talks on the benefits of fasting and its effects on the organism, nutrition, hiking, etc.